Which is better: Plasma TV's or LED/LCD TV's?

Let the war begin!

LED TV's are better than Plasma TV's!

Plasma TV's are better than LED TV's!

Where do I stand? Well, I am flexible and will say both are good but I will drift towards the LED TV's as being the better option.

In my business, we do a lot of outdoor works. We move equipment often. ''Care and good handling'' is a quality we look out for. Our staff members must put this in mind while moving our gadgets and equipment from location to location. We know accidents do happen, thus there would be times that some equipment might not be handled with care. This singular factor restricts our equipment choices. Thus any Equipment we choose to use must be based on a set of principles:

* Must be of strong build quality

* Must be durable

* Must be capable of withstanding physical pressure and the accidental fall

* Must have its parts available in our local market and preferably cheap

Now let's compare a LCD/LED TV to a Plasma TV. My principles of comparison will be based on my experiences as a Screen rental service provider.

 1. Screen Build

Plasma TV Screens are usually made of 2 sheets of glass compressed together to form the Plasma display element. This makes them very fragile. Some manufacturers even discourage you from ever laying a Plasma screen faced down as it might crack. This makes them very difficult to move from one place to another without any damage. Whereas their LED TV counterparts have screens that are plastic-like and thus capable of withstanding more physical impacts.

Now imagine the amount of care that you would need to devote to a Plasma TV if you were to use it often for rental services and screen-display jobs. Someday, a Plasma screen could crack but you are sure to use a LED Screen for a longer period of time.

Thus an LED TV is preferable for rental services because of its plastic-like screen.

2. Weight

Plasma TV Screens are usually a lot heavier than LED TV's. A standard 42" Plasma TV should weigh about 20kg while a LED TV weighs about 10kg. This means that Plasma TV's can weigh twice as much as LED TV's.

Weight is an important factor to consider in the rental industry. Heavier equipment's would mean that stands have to be heavier and more rigid in order to withstand the intended weight. More weight would mean more hands are needed to carry a single Plasma TV while moving from location to location.

The LED/LCD TV wins here because its lesser weight is a big plus for the rental industry.


  • Power consumption

Plasma TV's consume more electricity than their LED/LCD counterparts. The technology behind screen illumination for Plasma's ensure that they will consume much more energy than LED's. This means that while on the field or outdoor where there might not be any external power source, using a Plasma TV with inverters will consume so much of the inverter's saved-up energy unlike LED/LCD TV's that will consume less.

A LED/LCD TV will consume less energy, thus a better option for outdoor jobs such as rental services.


Other differences:

3. Contrast ratio

Contrast ratio ensures that black images are as black as possible. This means that there would a distinct difference between black and white images. This feature is greater in Plasma TV's than in LED/LCD TV's.

However, in the rental industry this advantage is not so much of a big one. Yes images are darker! That's it? LED/LCD TV's don't do too badly in this regard either. Overall, a Plasma having a better contrast ratio is not a reason to pick it over a LED/LCD TV.

 4. Image quality in Dark and Bright rooms

How a Plasma TV or LED/LCD TV will look in a bright or dark room is very important.

Plasma TV's look bad in bright rooms and their images are difficult to see. LED/LCD TV's show better images in bright rooms. In dark rooms, both look great but because the Plasma has got better contrast ratio, it will look better than a LED/LCD TV in a dark room.

In rental services and outdoor jobs, it is best to make use of LED/LCD TV's. This is because in most outdoor work you will not have any control over any rooms lightening nor would you be able to control the weather if used in the open. So it is best to play safe and make use of LED/LCD TV's.

5. Burn-in effect

Burn-in effects are much more common in Plasma TV's. Burn-in effects are effects on the TV screen from prolonged display of static images on a TV screen. It occurs when you choose to watch a particular TV station with a fixed logo always. If the TV programs change, the logo remains on the same portion of the screen. With time, this logo burns into the TV screen and remains pasted on it. There are now ways to get this cleaned but sometimes this could be difficult. LED TV's seldom have burn-in effects.

Burn-in effects on your TV screen might affect your Screen rental business adversely. So stay away from Plasma's if you don't want to be prone to this headache.

6. View angle

"View angle" is important when using screens outdoor. This is because you cannot control the sitting arrangement around the TV screen. Thus people positioned towards the screen sides might find it difficult viewing images on the TV clearly for LED/LCD TV's but will see much more clearly on Plasma TV's.

This is not so much of an advantage when attempting to make a choice between a Plasma TV and LED/LCD TV. So for me, I will say this advantage can be neglected.

 7. Purchase Price

Okay, finally, this is one aspect the Plasma TV's are a better choice at. They are very cheap when compared to LED/LCD TV's. Some Plasma TV's will cost about half the price for some LED/LCD TV's. So for the price of one LED/LCD TV you are getting two Plasma TV's. This means more business for you, more products to rent out and more money into your company's purse.

When you are just starting out, getting a Plasma TV because it's way cheaper supersedes getting an LED/LCD TV. Gradually, has profits are made you will move from using Plasma TV's to using LED/LCD TV's.

You should check out our LED/LCD TV's available for rent in Nigeria.

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