Guide to choosing the best splitters for a multimedia Job

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"Using the right splitter makes your job perfect!"

Do you wish to split a single input source to multiple output devices? Then your aim should be to get CLEAR, VISIBLE and STABLE pictures or videos. In order to split from a single input to multiple outputs, you will need a Splitter. There are numerous Splitters out there:

- VGA Splitters

- HDMI Splitters

- Video Splitters

We would analyze each of the Splitters based on some unique factors:

1. VGA Splitters

VGA Splitters split a single input to multiple outputs using VGA cables. Below is how we score this Splitter:

Cost of Splitter: They are relatively cheap and affordable.

Cost of accessories needed for setup: You will need multiple VGA cables of varied lengths. VGA cables of 20m lengths are affordable. However VGA cables of 50m length and above are relatively scarce and a little bit expensive.

Stability of connection: VGA cables have very strong coatings and this makes them strong and able to resist impacts. The true test of a stable connection is how effective they are when used in crowded areas. VGA cables are quite stable and effective in these situations.

Clarity of Pictures and Videos transmitted: VGA Splitters offer considerably clear pictures and videos. Because they make use of VGA cables they do not offer resolutions up to 1920 x 1080p.

Versatility of the setup: Using VGA cables and Splitters restrict you to Laptops with VGA outputs. If you have to use them with Video outputs or HDMI outputs, you will have to make use of a Video to VGA converter or a HDMI to VGA converter. Because the VGA is not at FULL resolution, making use of a converter will further degrade the quality of your pictures and videos.

Overall score: 6/10.


2. HDMI Splitters

HDMI Splitters split a single input to multiple outputs using HDMI cables. Below is how we score this Splitter:

Cost of Splitter: They are the most expensive of all the Splitters compared. Though still reasonable affordable.

Cost of accessories needed for setup: You will need multiple HDMI cables of varied lengths. HDMI cables are the most expensive of all the cables analyzed. HDMI cables of lengths of 20m and 50m are with in reach. However, longer lengths can be scarce to purchase and relatively expensive too.

Stability of connection: HDMI cables and Splitters are quite stable when isolated. However when used in crowded pathways, they are unreliable. This is because the cables themselves are quite fragile. This means they are the best option for permanent setups as they can be passed along the surrounding walls or through the ceiling. They are not suitable for temporary connections passed along the ground. They are also not flexible, so they offer restrictions when used along bends.

Clarity of Pictures and Videos transmitted: HDMI  Splitters offer the best pictures and videos. They transmit at FULL resolution of 1920 x 1080p. The drop in Picture or Video quality over the Splitter is negligible. They simply offer the best Picture and Video quality.

Versatility of the setup: HDMI Splitters restrict you to devices with HDMI outputs only. Video mixers and Laptops offer this kind of output. However, if you intend to make use of HDMI Splitters with Video Outputs or VGA outputs, you will need to make use of a Converter. Though one problem will be that the Converters will not be able to scale up from a lower resolution to an higher resolution. Thus the unique resolution gotten when HDMI Splitters are used is not available.

Overall score: 8/10.


3. Video Splitters

Video Splitters split a single input to multiple outputs using Video cables. Below is how we score this Splitter:

Cost of Splitter: These Splitters are affordable and popular. This means they can be purchased from any multimedia shop.

Cost of accessories needed for setup: You will need Video cables of varied lengths. These Video cables can be made using the popular RG cables, they are relatively affordable. Also, already made video cables exist and are also affordable, though more expensive than the hand built ones. Because they can be easily fabricated, they are quite good for extremely long distances.

Stability of connection: Video Splitters and their connecting cables offer very stable connections. Because the cables are durable and flexible, they can be used in bends, crowded spaces and so on. They are extremely durable and stable connections. Video cables are also thin and can be easily taped to the ground.

Clarity of Pictures and Videos transmitted: Video Splitters transmit very clear pictures, though not at FULL (1920 x 1080 HD)resolution. Pictures and Videos transmitted are as clear as their source. We make sure we use video cameras that offer RCA outputs.

Versatility of the setup: Video Splitters can be connected to outputs of video signals from cameras, DVD players and so on. Also they are fairly clear when used with HDMI to AV converters. These converters are needed when we need to use a laptops as our source device. The images are worse when we use VGA to AV converters. This is because VGA's offer a lower resolution compared to the HDMI.

Overall score: 8/10.


The most important aspect of a Splitter connection is usually its clarity and stability. The Video Splitters when used with the right output device offers the best average scores in clarity and stability. Though the HDMI Splitter offers the best clarity, its being inflexible is a big let down for outdoor jobs.

At Teknimedia Studios, we often rely heavily on the Video splitters for outdoor jobs that require splitting over long distances. Yes, splitting via HDMI splitters is a good option, but only if the distance required is not too long.

Feel free to chip in with your own best and most reliable splitter connections.


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